Farmer Bank & Trust (FB&T) is proud to welcome back Reggie English and welcome in Denise Austin to the team. While English will travel within our communities, both will office at the Malvern Main Bank, located at 521 E Page Ave., Malvern, Arkansas.
Reggie English
English will serve as Senior Vice President, Senior Commercial Loan Officer, and Regional Credit Officer. In his new role, the veteran banking professional primarily supervises the health of credit assets and lending programs throughout central Arkansas and the Dallas-Ft. Worth area.
A Malvern, Arkansas, native, Reggie began his career at Farmers Bank in 2012. He served in the lending department for six years in both his hometown and the Prosper, Texas, market. From 2018 to 2022, Reggie also worked in lending before returning to FB&T in July 2022.
“I’m excited to be back at Farmers Bank & Trust where I can work in two markets that I’m extremely familiar with and have made countless business and personal relationships over the past 10 years,” said Reggie. “At Farmers, I am able to work with such a great group of people that give me the opportunity to continuously learn on a daily basis.”
Reggie lives in Malvern, Arkansas, with his wife, Kristin, and their two children. He currently serves on the Board of Directors at the Malvern-Hot Spring County Chamber of Commerce and the Governing Board of Directors for Anchored619, a central Arkansas-based youth nonprofit organization. He is also the current treasurer of the Malvern Rotary Club—formerly serving as president—and is a member of the Tournament Committee for the Malvern Country Club.
In 2012, he earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Management from Henderson State University and completed the Southwestern Graduate School of Banking at Southern Methodist University in 2021. He is also a 2008 graduate of Malvern High School.
“Reggie brings a phenomenal work ethic and a wealth of banking knowledge to the customers of Farmers Bank & Trust,” said Dave White, Chief Lending Officer at FB&T. “His experience and leadership will help drive the Bank forward for years to come.”
To contact Reggie for any lending needs, call 501-332-1706 or email him at reggie.english@myfarmers.bank.
Denise Austin
The longtime banking professional is currently serving as Senior Loan Assistant. Austin came to FB&T in July 2022 and has over 20 years of banking experience. While she began her career as a proof operator, her background also includes time in customer service, new accounts, retail banking, and the lending department. As a Senior Loan Assistant today, she is primarily involved in the loan application, information, and review process.
She enjoys working with banking customers and being a part of the FB&T family. She especially believes in the Bank’s core values of HEART (honor, excellence, adaptability, respect, and teamwork).
“It is very rewarding to build a lasting relationship with a customer,” she said. “Helping young people buy their first car, plan for their first home, or build their business is what really makes it special.”
Austin is a native of Magnet Cove, Arkansas, and currently resides in Poyen, Arkansas, where she enjoys the outdoors. She can be reached by calling 501-332-8437 or by email at denise.austin@myfarmers.bank.